Sunday, 10 May 2009

Six Months!

Yes, it really is almost 6 months since we moved here. Some good news and sad news since the last blog. I'll start with the sad news, our eldest cat Millie had to be put to sleep just after easter. She really hasn't been well for over a year now and with a heavy heart, the decision was made to stop her suffering anymore.

But, we have good news as well!

Since the last post, we have moved out of the rental, and have bought a house! When I mean bought, I really do mean bought as we are mortgage free, so it really is our house! It is a 4 bedroom house, still in Halls Head. It is a brand new house, only just built in December.

Intead of putting loads of pictures of the inside of the house, I have created a video, giving you a guided tour!! ( I will apologise for the poor quality, I am no good at video's and also sorry for the bad weather, but the sun hasn't come out just yet!)

Apart from buying the house, Clare has started doing part time work at Harry's school. Luckily, she has not had the pleasure of teaching his class yet! She has also found a good horse riding school and rides a couple of times a week.

Harry has started playing football for his school team. Their first game resulted in a 3-1 defeat, but he played well and had a smile on his face. He has gone up a level in his swimming class, to level 4. When we arrived he was at level 1! Harry has also been away with the cubs and has another 2 cub camps to look forward to in the next few weeks.

I have been playing for Mandurah City masters football team. After weeks of training the season got under way and I scored the forst goal in a 5-2 victory. My reward for scoring???? I had to take the kits home to wash them! We won our second game 1-0, so a good early season start is under way!

At the time of writing this, Millwall have just beaten Leeds 1-0 in the 1st leg of the play offs. If they can avoid defeat in the second game, then Millwall are Wembley bound and I will be returning back to the UK for a weekend!! Keep your fingers crossed!

Thats all for now, more updates to follow in due course. If anyone wants our address and home telephone number, just send me an email and I'll send it to you!

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